Wednesday, July 30, 2008

A Reflection on Ps 62...

I still remember clearly the time when I first started work as a programmer. At that time I was the only chinese in that section. I knew that I had to prove myself. I thirsted and longed for recognition and praise.
6 months later, I was put in charge of the running of the night shift. Since they usually put experienced people to supervise the night shift, I thought to myself, "Ah, they finally recognise my ability and skills"
That feeling, however, did not last long. After a few months, it became an empty feeling. It was then that I realised that thirsting for temporal and earthly things would eventually leave me empty unsatisfied.
As the psalmist of Ps 62 says "O God, you are my God, for you I long, for you my soul is thirsting", our longing and thirsting will not be satisfied until we are reunited with God.
The question is; do we thirst for temporal things or do we thirst for something that is eternal?

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