Tuesday, August 19, 2008

A Reflection on Ps 130...

Starr Daily, a man who knows much about the act of spiritual healing, said "To my knowledge, no man or woman of my acquaintance who knows how to practise silence and does it, has ever been sick"
Surely, the practise of silence is more soothing and healing than most medicines available in this world. Pascal, the great scientist, said "After observing humankind over a long period of years, I come to the conclusion that one of man's great troubles is his inability to be still"
Most of us are always on the move. We love to do things, to be always actively working. I do not think that everyone can say with certainty that he or she loves silence and can keep still for long periods of time. For me, silence has become an important part of my life.
It is only through silence that the voice of God can be heard within us. The psalmist of Ps 130 says this "Truly I have set my soul in silence and peace. As a child has rest in his mother's arms, even so my soul."
If we keep on moving and talking and cannot find the time for silence and stillness, how can we listen to God's voice? It is only when we quiet down that the soft promptings of the Spirit and the voice of God can be heard.

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