Tuesday, May 20, 2008

A Reflection on Ps 50...

A teacher gave a test in school and told the class that at its end, they would correct one another's papers. He also stipulated that everyone would have to pass, otherwise the class could not leave the room.
Several of the test results were very poor and a heated argument ensued about it being unfair to pass people who just did not have the right answers. But after long discussions, much as the group hated to, they had to pass everyone; otherwise everyone had to stay back after school.
This is similar to forgiveness. It is easy to ask God for forgiveness but when it comes to forgiving, it is difficult.
When I was in Form Four, a friend whom I trusted went behind my back and betrayed me. I found it very difficult to forgive but I eventually did.
The psalmist of Ps 50 asks for God's mercy and compassion. He says "Have mercy on me God in your kindness. In your compassion blot out my offence" As we reflect on the words from this psalm, let us ask ourselves whether there is unforgiveness in our hearts.
If there is, let us then ask God to give us the grace to forgive. For if there is even one person whom we cannot forgive, we cannot rightly say the Lord's Prayer and we certainly have no right to ask for God's mercy and compassion.

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